2024.07.07 (일)

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최종편집일. 2024.07.06 10:37
WFPL, '4th WIC AWARDS' candidates deadline April 30
  • 해당된 기사를 공유합니다


'4th WIC AWARDS' candidates deadline April 30

Application period : May 1, 2020 - April 30, 2021
WIC AWARDS Winner Grace Period (5 years)-Confidentiality Period (60 years)

[GUMINEWS]=WFPL (President LEE SANHA, WORLD FEDERATION OF POWER LEADERS, WFPL) (www.wfple.org) announced that the application for the '4th WIC AWARDS (WIC Awards), which began on May 1, 2020, will close on the forthcoming April 30th.


Established in 2017, 'WIC AWARDS' targets 7.5 billion people around the world, and consists of a total of nine categories including world peace, human rights, environment, economics, science, education, health, social contribution, and culture.




'The 4th WIC AWARDS Awards Ceremony', an international event and part of the ceremony to commemorate the '4th World School Violence Expulsion Day' which was scheduled to be held on the 20th floor of the Korea Press Center on Friday January 15th 2021, has been postponed to January 2022.


WIC AWARDS ORGANIZING COMMITTEE said that the decision for the postponement was made to prioritize the health and safety of attendees in consideration of the Covid-19 pandemic that has occurred since the beginning of last year.


As a result, the qualifications for the "4th WIC AWARDS” candidates who have already submitted documents as per the existing schedule are valid. In addition, the application of candidates that began on May 1, 2020 will be open for reception until the forthcoming April 30.


WIC AWARDS winners announcement and awards ceremony


Winners will be announced sequentially in November for each category, and the awards ceremony will be held in January 2022.


Purpose of WIC AWARDS (WIC Awards)


WIC AWARDS(WORLD INNOVATIVE CONTRIBUTION AWARDS) aims to find and honor people who have contributed to world peace and human development by inspiring achievements in all areas of the world, establishing desirable representations of the world. WIC AWARDS is designed to contribute to solving the challenges of the world as well as building a just and healthy world by making known their dedication throughout the world. In addition, it aims to bring home to the problem of school violence occurring in countries, encourage those who are devoted to the prevention and elimination of school violence, and give dreams, hopes, and courage to youths around the world who are wandering around due to school violence.


General principles for selecting WIC AWARDS winners


WIC AWARDS winner selection applies the Continental Arrangement Principles to prevent the phenomenon of being biased toward a specific country, so that only one award winner can be selected in one country. However, exceptions are made for non-governmental international organizations with branches in various countries around the world. In addition, the number of winners in each category should be no more than one, and the total number of winners should be no more than nine (except for joint winners in each category).


WIC AWARDS winner grace period (5 years) and confidentiality period (60 years)

Even after the winners are selected, a five-year grace period will be given, and those who have damaged the value pursued by the award due to international controversy are excluded. In particular, WIC AWARDS stipulates the confidentiality period in order to strictly ensure the objectivity and fairness of winner selection. According to this, all contents related to WIC AWARDS, such as the recommender, the recommended person, and the person who has been judged, is stipulated to be sealed privately for 60 years.


WIC AWARDS Category Features


1. WIC AWARDS in World Peace


WIC AWARDS in World Peace is given to those who have made outstanding achievements in human history, including those who have contributed to the peace, harmony, and co-prosperity of humankind. Today the world has witnessed countless conflicts between and within countries, ranging from ideological dispute, war and political issues, to race and religion.


It is designed to honor those who have contributed to world peace, including people passionate about spreading human-centered values rather than representing or realizing the interests of the strong.


2. WIC AWARDS in Human Rights


WIC AWARDS in Human Rights is given to people with outstanding achievements in human history in the area of human rights relating to child, race, women, refugees, people with disabilities and labor, etc.


It is designed to honor those who have dedicated themselves to the growth of human rights and universal freedom, striving to build a world where no person is discriminated against by gender arising from customs, a world where no children need to work for money owing to poverty and disease, and much less go to the battlefield, and an equal world where nobody is exploited and discriminated against by appearance and color.


3. WIC AWARD in Environment


WIC AWARD in Environment is given to those who have made outstanding achievements in human history, helping to change the world by diffusing the conservation value of the human environment and leading the cleanup movement based on their interest in nature.


It is designed to honor those who have contributed to spreading the value of conservation of original nature and its recovery, and the watchdog reminding everyone of the counterattack of the approaching environment in the shadow of the prosperity, such as soil and air pollution caused by fine dust, smoke and chemicals, various waste including microplastics and marine pollution resulting from leakage of nuclear reactor water.


4. WIC AWARD in Economic


WIC AWARD in Economic is given to those who have made remarkable achievements in human history, helping to change the world by contributing to the co-existence and equal development of many people.


It is designed to honor those who have made great achievements, including the improvement of business productivity and stable harmony of employment market, innovative practices in economic development in the era of the fourth industrial revolution such as the robot and bio industries, and the making of strategy for coping with the global economic crisis, and in the study of the economics.


5. WIC AWARD in Science


WIC AWARD in Science is given to those who have made remarkable achievements in human history, such as laying the foundation for the scientific system for humankind and for the establishment of various application bases in society.


This award is for those who have consistently contributed in related fields. It is designed to honor people who have contributed to the development of science and technology, making research on bio-science relating to the extension of human life and promotion of human welfare, the social science comprising the experience in politics, religion, law, and the arts, and the natural science laying the theoretical groundwork conducive to humankind by studying the law of nature.


6. WIC AWARD in Education


WIC AWARD in Education is given to those who have made outstanding achievements in human history, such as constantly creating ideas and making endeavors to establish the educational system suitable for the times.


It is designed to honor those who have contributed to the dissemination of the educational values with the emphasis on the interests of others, including the establishment of an educational system for technical research and the realization of function necessary for the life in general, and the expansion of opportunities to participate in learning for people of all ages without discrimination.


7. WIC AWARD in Health Care


WIC AWARD in Health Care is given to people with outstanding achievements in human history, such as steadily paying attention to public health and social welfare systems to strengthen universal medical services for a healthy society.


It is designed to honor those who have striven toward health welfare and done volunteer work silently in order to lay the foundation for a healthy society, and who try to raise the happiness of mankind by going through the ups and downs so that no one is ultimately alienated by disease and pain.


8. WIC AWARD in Social Contribution


WIC AWARD in Social Contribution is given to those who have made remarkable achievements in human history, such as devoted to creating a world where people live together within or among countries and building a foundation for coexistence.


It is designed to honor people who have contributed to laying the foundation for the present and future whereby all including socially disadvantaged, such as children, women, and the elderly, as well as disabled people who need care, grow together and move toward future.


9. WIC AWARD in Culture


WIC AWARD in Culture is given to people with outstanding achievements in human history, such as creating happiness through various mental styles developed by human beings, and constantly seeking ways to realize social ideals as members of a society.


It is designed to honor those who have contributed to the elimination of confrontation and the formation of grand solidarity among people, holding festivals for exchanges in various cultural categories such as dance, music, art, video, and sports, and encouraging the participation and experiences of people.


WIC AWARDS Past Winners


Previous winners of WIC AWARDS include Chairman Mawon, Alibaba Group Corp. in China, Dr. Stephen Hawking in the UK (Dr. Stephen Hawking is selected as the winner when he survives), and Peter Hantke, Austria (Pet Hantke won WIC AWARDS in Literature' and later won the Nobel Prize in Literature. ) and others. In addition, for the first time as a Korean, former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon was awarded WIC AWARDS.


No sponsorship is received for the objectivity and fairness of WIC AWARDS review


WIC AWARDS does not receive any sponsorship in order to strictly ensure the objectivity and fairness of the review according to the review regulations.


Hosted and Supervised by WIC AWARDS




Objective and purpose of the establishment of WORLD FEDERATION OF POWER LEADERS


WORLD FEDERATION OF POWER LEADERS(WFPL) originates from the International Youth Institute (formerly the International Youth Research Institute, CEO LEE SAN-HA) established on January 11, 2007, and through the 17 metropolitan and provincial branches and the regional federations in Korea and regional federations from around the world with WORLD PRESS ASSOCIATION(WPA), and in cooperation with enthusiastic, talented young men and women, actively participates in solving the crisis arising from the structural conflicts in the society. It aims to orient toward ‘the living-together world’ where the socially weak are not neglected and the culture of participation and communication is widely spread.




WFPL has established affiliated media organizations, research institutions, WORLD FEDERATION SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION (in the process of being established) and special organizations to realize the value that the Federation is pursuing.


The affiliated research institutions are: The Institute of International Environment and Policy Studies, the Institute of Global Economic Research, the Institute of World Health Research, the Institute of World Science and Technology, the Institute for Media Policy and Policy, the Institute for Global Environmental Studies, and the Institution of Unification Policy.




WFPL has WORLD PRESS ASSOCIATION(WPA), an affiliated media organization, and also the WPC (WFPL PRESS CORPS), a multinational journalist association of WORLD FEDERATION OF POWER LEADERS, FOPAH(Fairness of Opportunity & Fairness of the Process Action Headquarters).


FOFAH : Fairness of Opportunity & Fairness of the Process Action Headquarters


Fairness of Opportunity & Fairness of the Process Action Headquarters (hereinafter "FOFAH”) is a politically neutral, non-profit organization belonging to WORLD PRESS ASSOCIATION (WPA), which is expelling the 'Fake News and Unfair Media Policy’ that makes our society sick, and is committed to protecting the 'True Fairness and the Value of Justice' for the future of Korea through the action of the ‘Fairness of opportunity & Fairness of the Process’.


International Policy Institute(IPI): Non-profit Organization Specializing in Political Neutrality Assessment and Analysis


In particular, International Policy Institute (IPI), a WFPL-affiliated research institute, is a politically neutral non-profit organization specializing in political neutrality assessment and analysis. It carries out work such as making suggestion and providing services and appraisal for the efficient operation of public enterprises and other entities, and national policy, legislation and legislative activities.


WFPL Scholarship Foundation(preparing): iDREAM Scholarship


WFPL has a 'WFPL Scholarship Foundation' as a scholarship foundation and operates 'iDREAM Scholarship'. Scholarship Foundation's 'iDREAM Scholarship' provides scholarships for creative and exemplary students in elementary school, middle school, high school and university, including boys and girls without parents nationwide. It helps to grow as an upright citizen.


SPECIAL ORGANIZATION(Human Rights): SVE Movement Headquarters


In addition to its affiliated institutions, WFPL has a "Human Rights Organization" as a special organization and a "SVE* (School Violence Expulsion) Movement Headquarters" within the human rights organization.


*SVE Movement Headquarters was inaugurated on December 19th, 2017(venue: International Conference Hall 20th fl. Korea Press Center) to solve the school violence problem professionally.


World School Violence Expulsion Day, WFPL Establishment Anniversary(January 11th)


WORLD FEDERAION OF POWER LEADERS promotes the seriousness of school violence to the world and allows students to play freely and develop their dreams. In addition, WFPL is striving to establish 'Safety System for the prevention and elimination of school violence in the world' where all countries can tackle the issue in solidarity and are alert to the seriousness of school violence.


To this end, WORLD FEDERATION OF POWER LEADERS enacted and publicized 'SVEH’s Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct for the Elimination of School Violence' at the inauguration ceremony of School Violence Elimination Headquarters in World (SVEH)' held at the 20th floor of the Korea Press Center on December 19, 2017. January 11, the anniversary of the establishment of WFPL, was designated as 'World School Violence Expulsion Day for the Elimination of School Violence', and the event is held every year to ensure that students no longer suffer or fall victim to school violence.


In addition, WORLD FEDERATION OF POWER LEADERS has established the "Korea Student Leader Awards and SVE Special Awards” to honor students and adults who have committed to preventing or deporting school violence.


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